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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Makanan pertama setelah bercerai susu

Catatan ni ummi dapat dari web:
Perlu diingat ya, bercerai susu bermaksud bayi anda mula diperkenalkan dengan solid food, bukan tak bagi susu terus. So, entry ini sebagai panduan kepada ibu2 yg tgh cari idea nak bg makanan apa kepada si comel ya. Enjoy!

Makanan yang pertama

Kementerian Kesihatan menyarankan supaya anda menyusukan bayi anda sehingga usianya enam bulan. Selepas enam bulan, susu badan sahaja tidak mencukupi untuk memberikan bayi anda nutrien yang secukupnya terutamanya zat besi; jadi makanan lain diperlukan juga.

Menunggu selama enam bulan untuk memperkenalkan makanan pejal ke dalam diet bayi anda adalah baik sebab akan meminimakan risiko tindak balas berlawanan terhadap makanan dan alergi. Ini menjadi amat penting jika terdapat peristiwa alergi dalam sejarah keluarga anda, sebab kebanyakan tindak balas berlawanan terhadap makanan, dan alergi dan penyakit seliak akan berkurangan jika anda menangguhkan cerai susu sehingga waktu tersebut.

Jika anda merasakan bayi anda sudah memerlukan makanan pejal sebelum enam bulan, berbincanglah dahulu dengan pakar pediatrik anda. Ini penting terutamanya jika bayi anda dilahirkan pramatang. Pakar-pakar menegaskan bahawa makanan pejal tidak perlu diperkenalkan sebelum bayi anda berusia empat bulan (20 minggu).

Salah satu perkara pertama yang bayi anda perlu pelajari apabila tiba waktu bercerai susu ialah bagaimana menelan bahan “bukan cecair”. Justeru, untuk memastikan bayi anda tidak perlu terus menerima perisa baru dan juga menggunakan otot yang berbeza bagi menelan, maka makanan pertama paling biasa diberikan ialah nasi bayi yang tawar dicampur dengan susu bayi. Apabila bayi anda telah selesa dengan nasi dan susu, berikannya pula sedikit puri buah atau sayur. Kebanyakan panduan am menasihatkan supaya anda memperkenalkan satu jenis makanan pada satu-satu masa dan menunggu sekurang-kurangnya tiga hari sebelum memperkenalkan makanan lain supaya anda dapat mengetahui sama ada sesuatu makanan itu sesuai atau tidak bagi bayi anda.


• puri sayur-sayuran seperti lobak, labu dan keledek;
• puri buah-buahan seperti mangga, betik atau pisang lenyek dan juga buah epal dan pir yang sudah dimasak;
• bijiran bayi yang bebas gluten seperti nasi bayi diperkaya dengan zat besi dan dicampur dengan susu bayi biasa;
• bubur nasi kosong yang dimasak di rumah.


Peringkat seterusnya

Apabila bayi anda nampak gembira disuap dengan sudu, tambahkan jenis makanan, seperti:

• puri lentil atau legum seperti sweet pea;
• puri sayur-sayuran campuran dengan ubi kentang atau nasi;
• puri yang terdiri daripada sayur-sayuran berdaun hijau seperti kobis, bayam, siew pak choy atau kailan.

Cuba berikan hanya satu hidangan puri manis atau bijiran dalam sehari dan berilah puri sayur-sayuran setiap masa. Jadikan makanan tersebut semakin pekat secara perlahan-lahan.

Pakar pediatrik anda mungkin akan menyarankan supaya anda menunggu sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan untuk memperkenalkan kacang soya, ikan dan buah-buahan sitrus; satu tahun untuk memperkenalkan telur dan susu lembu atau produk susu (keju dan yogurt); dan, dua tahun untuk memperkenalkan kerang-kerangan. Jika keluarga anda mempunyai sejarah alergi seperti ekzema, asma atau alergi makanan; bayi anda perlu elak dari mengambil kacang tanah dan bijan sehingga usianya tiga tahun.

Risiko untuk mendapat penyakit seliak boleh dikurangkan dengan mengelakkan pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi gluten, seperti gandum, rai dan makanan berasaskan barli. Ini termasuklah roti, tepung, pasta, sesetengah bijiran sarapan dan biskut rusk sehingga usia enam bulan. Sebaik-baiknya elakkan pengambilan oat sehingga usia bayi enam bulan sebab mungkin ia mengandungi serpihan gluten.

Elakkan susu untuk bayi yang lebih matang (susu tumbesaran) sehingga bayi anda sudah melepasi enam bulan.

Jangan masukkan garam atau gula, madu atau pemanis lain ke dalam makanan bayi anda.


Dari tujuh hingga sembilan bulan

Mulai sekarang, keupayaan bayi anda untuk turut makan bersama dengan ahli keluarga kian meningkat. Dudukkan bayi anda di kerusi tinggi (kerusi budak) di meja makan apabila keluarga sedang makan.

Seandainya bayi anda mempunyai waktu makan yang lebih awal daripada ahli keluarga yang lain, adalah penting agar dia membiasakan diri dengan duduk bersantap di kerusi tingginya, apatah lagi memandangkan dia sudah boleh bergerak sekarang. Bayi-bayi yang makan semasa dalam posisi berbaring atau separuh berbaring dan anak-anak kecil yang dibenarkan berlari dengan makanan dalam mulut mungkin boleh tercekik!

Anda perlu memberikan bayi anda satu senarai makanan yang pelbagai untuk memenuhi keperluan nutriennya dan untuk membiasakan bayi anda dengan pelbagai perisa. Ini juga akan mengurangkan keperluan untuk mengelak makanan-makanan tertentu.

Sekarang tiba masa untuk memperkenalkan:

• Makanan yang dilenyek atau dikisar, bukan dipuri. Pastikan makanan mengandungi sedikit ketulan.

• Senarai pilihan makanan berkanji yang pelbagai – roti, pasta, roti pita, tosai, bijiran sarapan, oat, mi lembut atau mihun, ubi kentang, nasi dan milet. Berikan dua hingga tiga hidangan makanan berkanji dalam sehari.

• Air masak yang telah disejukkan dalam cawan atau bikar bermuncung lembut untuk diberikan apabila bayi anda dahaga, sebagai tambahan kepada susu ibu atau 500-600ml / 17-20 auns susu formula. Jika anda memilih untuk memberikan jus buah-buahan, berikan hanya pada waktu makan sahaja dan cairkan 1 bahagian jus kepada 10 bahagian air masak yang telah disejukkan dan gunakan jag atau cawan, dan bukannya botol. Memberikan jus semasa waktu makan akan membantu penyerapan zat besi dan mengurangkan risiko kerosakan pada gigi yang mula tumbuh.

• Buah-buahan sitrus seperti buah oren.

• Telur yang dimasak sepenuhnya, ikan dan lentil. Berikan satu hidangan makanan yang kaya dengan protin dalam sehari.

• Produk tenusu seperti yogurt dan keju. Walaupun anda perlu menunggu sehingga bayi anda berusia setahun untuk memberikannya susu lembu, ia boleh digunakan dalam masakan anda atau dengan bijiran sarapan bayi anda, jadi sediakan sos keju untuk ditambahkan ke dalam sayur-sayuran atau pasta.

• Susu formula untuk bayi matang boleh diberikan jika anda mahu.

• Makanan yang perlu diambil dengan jari adalah bagus untuk bayi anda apabila ia sudah boleh memegang barang kerana ini memberi dia peluang untuk mengawal pemakanannya. Cuba berikan kacang hijau atau lobak yang dimasak, kiub keju, kepingan pisang atau buah pir yang lembut.


Dari usia 10 bulan

Hidangan bayi sudah lebih mirip dengan hidangan orang dewasa. Makanan perlu dipotong atau dikisar berdasarkan pola dua hingga tiga hidangan penuh sehari bersama dengan satu atau dua snek dan 500-600ml / 17-20 auns susu ibu atau susu formula. Pada peringkat ini, bayi anda perlu diberikan:

• tiga atau empat hidangan makanan berkanji sehari seperti nasi, mi, roti, pasta atau ubi kentang;

• satu hidangan daging, ikan, telur atau dua kekacang (lentil, pis, kekacang);

• satu atau dua hidangan keju atau yogurt dan juga susu ibu atau susu formula.


Apakah yang perlu dielakkan oleh bayi di bawah usia satu tahun?

• Perlu dielakkan garam, gula, madu dan pemanis tiruan. Cuba maniskan pencuci mulut dengan menggunakan pisang lenyek atau puri stew buah-buahan kering, di mana sesuai, atau gunakan susu ibu yang dipam atau susu formula.

• Elakkan daripada menambah sebarang teh ke dalam botol bayi. Tanin dalam teh akan menganggu penyerapan zat besi dan kafein yang juga ada dalamnya tidak disarankan untuk kanak-kanak.

• Elakkan dari memberi perahan buah-buahan atau minuman diet kepada bayi anda. Pemanis tiruan tidak sesuai untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak.

• Elakkan makanan yang membawa risiko keracunan makanan seperti keju lembut yang diperam sehingga berkulat (brie, camembert) dan sari (pate) hati. Telur mestilah dimasak sepenuhnya – elakkan memberi telur masak lembut, telur separuh masak atau telur mentah.

• Jangan berikan susu lembu (atau kambing atau kambing biri-biri) sebagai minuman utama kepada bayi yang berusia di bawah satu tahun.

• Susu skim dan susu setengah skim, mentega rendah lemak, yogurt dan keju rendah lemak. Sentiasa berikan bayi anda jenis penuh lemak – mereka memerlukan kalorinya.


Berapa banyak lemak perlu diberikan kepada bayi dan anak kecil?

Sehingga usianya sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun, lemak ialah sumber tenaga yang penting bagi bayi anda, jadi susu, keju dan yogurt penuh krim adalah penting. Apabila bayi anda sudah berusia dua tahun, dan hanya jika dia membesar dengan sihat, dan memakan makanan seimbang, barulah anda boleh memperkenalkan jenis rendah lemak kepadanya secara perlahan-lahan. Apabila dia sudah berusia lima tahun, hanya sepertiga daripada tenaganya perlu diperolehi dari lemak.


Berapa banyakkah serat yang diperlukan?

Berhati-hatilah apabila memperkenalkan terlalu banyak makanan penuh bijiran kepada bayi dan kanak-kanak. Ia akan berkembang dan boleh memenuhkan perut yang kecil, meninggalkan hanya sedikit ruang untuk makanan bertenaga tinggi yang lain. Jadi berikan bayi dan anak kecil anda campuran roti putih dan yang penuh bijiran,begitu juga bagi nasi dan pasta.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ahli Keluargaku

Ummi nak perkenalkan ahli kelurga Ummi yang bahagia, insyaAllah.

Ini anak sulung kami...Raja Nur'Iffah binti Raja Ariffuddin.
Ini anak kedua kami, Raja Abdullah Fahmi bin Raja Ariffuddin.
Ini pula gambar2 Ummi dan Walid bersama anak ketiga kami Raja Ahmad Fateh bin Raja Ariffuddin.

Di atas adalah gambar ahli keluarga sebelah ummi..dari kiri ummi, Makcik Fiqah, Nek Cik, Paksu Fauzee, Ma Tok, Mak Lang (Ano), Mak Ngah (Ina) dan Cik Dayah.

Di atas adalah ahli keluarga sebelah Walid. Dari belakang: Wan Chor, Ayah Cu, Ayah Cik, Walid, Ummi. Dari depan: Atok (Power), Nenda dan cucu-cucunya.

Semoga kami semua mendapat keberkatan Ilahi di dunia hingga akhirat. ameeennn...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Doa Agar Suami dan Isteri Saling Mengasihi

by Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed on Friday, November 12, 2010 at 10:15am

اللَّهُمَّ حَبِّبْ عَبْدَكَ هَذَا إِلَى عِبَادِكَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَحَبِّبْ إِلَيَّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Maksudnya: “Ya Allah jadikanlah hamba-Mu ini mencintai orang yang beriman dan jadikanlah orang yang beriman mencintaiku.” (Riwayat Muslim no. 2491)

Dalam hadis sahih riwayat Muslim, Abu Hurairah r.a. telah memohon Nabi s.a.w. agar berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. agar memberikan hidayah kepada ibunya supaya memeluk Islam. Dengan doa Nabi s.a.w. yang juga menunjukkan mukjizat Baginda, ibu Abu Hurairah r.a. telah memeluk Islam. Kemudian beliau meminta kepada Nabi s.a.w. agar dia dan ibunya dicintai oleh sekalian orang-orang yang beriman. Nabi s.a.w. telah mendoakan untuk mereka dengan doa di atas dengan sedikit penambahan iaitu kalimah “wa ummuha” (dan ibunya) selepas kalimah “abdaka haza”. Hasil doa Nabi s.a.w. ini, setiap orang beriman yang lahir akan melahirkan rasa cinta apabila mendengar tentang Abu Hurairah. Oleh sebab itu, doa ini boleh digunakan oleh pasangan suami isteri untuk mengikat serta menyuburkan rasa kasih sayang sesama mereka.

Dipetik daripada Doa Menjadi Pengantin Baru Setiap Hari, Zahazan Mohamed, terbitan Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aktiviti bermain dengan anak-anak

Info di bawah saya dapat dari web

Aktiviti bersama anak-anak dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan akal dan fizikal mereka. Berikut adalah aktiviti mudah yang boleh dicontohi (dah biasa diamal oleh ibu2 kita dulu pun) dan mempunyai kesan tersendiri:

Here are a few things to keep in mind when playing:
1.The following activities require parental interaction and supervision.
2.Do these activities only when your child is alert and rested; if he is bored, tired or hungry, postpone doing them, or resume them later on when you think he is more receptive.
3.Turn off any background noise which might interfere with his ability to focus.
4.Your child may find some activities boring, and lose interest. When this happens, give him a new activity or challenge.
5.Work with your child everyday for half an hour, and don't worry if you miss a day or two!
6.Feel free to change the activities to suit your child - or better yet, create some of your own fun games!
7.Don't forget to have fun!

Where's Mommy? Where's Daddy?
Age Range: Newborn to 6 months
Targeted Skill Set(s): auditory discrimination skills.

At this stage in development, your baby will only be able to respond to loud noises, and her brain will start fine-tuning her hearing - linking hearing with visual activities. Eventually, she will learn that certain objects make certain sounds.

Place your baby in her crib lying on her back. Stand at the side of the crib and keep calling her name.
After a while, your baby will soon "localize" and turn her head and body towards the sound. Move to the other side and call her name again until she turns her attention towards you. Repeat this four or five times.

Age Range: 3 months to 6 months
Targeted Skill Set(s): memory, auditory discrimination, concept of cause and effect

Peek-a-boo type activities sharpen your baby's hearing by teaching her to filter specific sounds from the background noise. It will also improve her understanding of spoken language and strengthen her memory, as well as teach her the concept of cause and effect.
Get your baby's attention by standing by her crib and smiling at her. While she is looking, cover your face with a pillow or cloth (a bright color works best). After a few seconds, uncover your face and say "peek-a-boo" in a high-pitched and animated voice. You can also ask "Where's Mommy?" or "Where's Daddy?" and then reveal your face with "Here's Mommy!" Keep your baby interested by moving the cloth away up, down, left or right and moving to different sides of the crib. Carry on for a few minutes.

UPGRADE: Age range: 6 months to 9 months.

By this age, your baby will be able to actively participate in the activity. Try peek-a-boo again, however do not pull away the pillow or cloth and allow your child to pull it away herself. When your face is revealed, don't forget to say "Here's Mommy!" Your baby will start learning the concept of cause and effect!

Mobile Play
Age Range: Newborn to 6 months
Targeted Skill Set(s): visual discrimination skills, introduction to colors and shapes

Mobiles are great when it comes to helping your baby develop visual-motor skills. Because they move and are mobile, they encourage your baby to keep his focus on moving objects and control the direction of his gaze.
You can buy, or even make your own mobile using several different shapes or objects in bright colors (high-contrast colors such as black, white, red, blue and yellow are easiest for babies to focus on). You can make this more interesting for your baby by moving the mobile (by blowing on it), turning off the lights and shining a light on it or even tying bells onto it to stimulate his auditory senses.

Note: Make sure that when you make your own mobile that all the objects are safely fixed onto the mobile and will not fall.

UPGRADE: Skills set: visual discrimination skills, hand-eye coordination

Using some ribbon, tie one end to an object or a bell on your mobile. On the other end, tie it (gently) on your baby's wrist. This activity will soon teach your child that by moving his arm, he will cause the mobile to move, or to make a sound. When he gets bored of this, untie the ribbon. As your baby gets better at moving the mobile, try to switch to his other wrist or ankles.

Note: Never leave your child unattended during this activity and make sure that he does not get tangled up with the ribbon.

Encouraging Manipulative Play
Age Range: 3 months to 6 months
Targeted Skill Set(s): hand-eye coordination

When your baby is around 3 months old, she will have developed enough
motor skills to play with objects. By allowing her to play with different things,
she will learn to manipulate different objects; learning how they behave.

Place your baby on her stomach on the floor, with 3 or 4 soft objects and toys around her.
Encourage her to reach and play with the toys without helping her to hold objects. Let her explore for around 10 to 15 minutes and then turn her over so she is lying on her back. This will change her perspective of the objects and make things more interesting for her!

Note: Never leave your child unattended during this activity and if she falls asleep on her stomach, immediately turn her over to her back.

Card Game
Age Range: 12 months to 18 months
Targeted Skill Set(s): memory, teaches colors and shapes

This simple card game will help improve and strengthen your child's memory.
It will enhance his ability for recognizing words, letters and numbers.
On each card, draw a circle, but in three different colors (red, blue and yellow). Show him the red circle and say “Red.” Next, show him the yellow circle and say “Yellow.” Put both cards face down and ask him “Where is the red circle?” and then reveal the red card saying, “Here's the red circle!” Reveal the yellow card and say “Here is the yellow circle!” Continue until your baby starts to point towards which card to turn over.

Stop the game before he gets bored! When you child is familiar with the red and yellow circle, you can substitute the blue card in. Keep mixing up the three cards until your child has learned this game.

Upgrade: If your child has mastered the three colors, you can repeat this game by introducing another shape. Select two cards of the same color, but of different shapes to play the same game. As he improves, you can add more shapes or move on to different letters and numbers.

Note: Be patient! Let your child know that it's okay to make a mistake and don't forget to praise him when he gets it right!

Memory Builder
Age Range: 18 months to 5 years
Targeted Skill Set(s): memory and concentration

This activity will greatly develop your child's memory and encourage her to concentrate at the task at hand. For this activity, you can use the same cards from the Card game as described above.

You will need six white cards with squares drawn on them, and these squares need to be in different colors: two red, two blue and two yellow.
Have your child choose a card to reveal, and identify out loud what color it is and then ask her to find another of the same color. If it's the right card, be excited and praise her. If not, say “No, that's green” and allow her to pick again until she finds the right one. When your child understands the game and gets better at it, you can add more cards with more colors or different shapes to make it more challenging for her!

Stacking and Sorting Games
Age Range: 9 months to 2 years
Targeted Skill Set(s): hand-eye coordination, concept of “big” and “small,” teaches child about visual-spatial relationships

These types of games will not only enhance your baby's hand-eye coordination, but will also teach them the concept of “bigger than” and “smaller than”. Start with larger objects that can be stacked, and then move on to smaller objects as he grows older.
  • 9 months - Use the classic rings on a peg. Show him how to stack it from big to small and then allow him to try for himself. Point to the biggest ring and say “big” and the smallest ring and say “small”. Do not worry if he stacks it incorrectly - praise him anyway for trying!

  • 12 months - 14 months - Move on to sets of plastic cups or bowls where they have to be stacked in the a particular order. Start with two or three cups and when he is ready, give him more bowls to stack.

  • 12 months - 18 months - At this point, your child can start to play with simple blocks. You can choose from Lego blocks (ones suitable for 1 year olds) to wooden blocks. These will also help with developing his motor skills. Encourage him to stack them up as high as he can and then count the blocks together.

Crafts Projects
Age Range: 12 months to 3 years
Targeted Skill Set(s): fine motor skills, manual dexterity, teaches understanding of visual spatial relationships.

Put a bunch of cooked peas and sliced carrots (diced small enough so he won't choke on them) in front of him. Show him how to separate the peas from the carrots by picking them out. Encourage him to do the same and count the number of peas and carrots as he picks them out.
Watch your child carefully as he does this activity. Find around 10 colorful and interesting objects like large-sized buttons and placed them inside a container. Empty this in front of your child and ask him to pick up each one and place them back inside. As he drops each one inside, don't forget to count as this will help teach counting skills.

Be careful, some objects can prove to be choking hazards.

Encourage your child to pick up a crayon and draw or scribble! It will help improve the motor skills that are needed to write letters and numbers later on.

Introduce your child to safe and non-toxic modeling clay. It will stimulate motor skills and also encourage him to be creative. It can also teach him about tools and using them to manipulate the clay. You can even use them to teach colors!

Age Range: 3 years to 5 years
Targeted Skill Set(s): computer skills, discrimination skills

This game is a fun way to teach your child about the concepts of similarities
and differences. This activity involves more planning on your part, because you will need to create a picture library for your child. Decide a daily or weekly theme for her (e.g. things that fly) and find images online. Next, save them on your computer and print them out and stick the images on cards.
When you've prepared everything, begin the game by presenting the cards to your child, pronouncing the name each object. You can then ask your child to sort them into groups, such as differentiating things that fly and things that don't. As she gets better, you can move on to more similar things, like species of birds (by size) or types of plants (trees or flowers).

Upgrade: Put together two or three completely different pictures (like a kite and a fishing pole) and ask her to find similarities. It will encourage her to think harder and come up with more creative responses!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Breast Feeding

Fresh from office
Dalam liner

Dalam botol

Kumpul ikut bulan
Saja nak share hasil perahan saya untuk si kecil Ku Fateh. hehe...Alhamdulillah setakat ni bekalan tak pernah putus, cuma EBM sy tak lah melimpah-limpah sampai tak cukup peti ais nak simpan. Saya hanya pastikan sentiasa ada stok. ni pun bulan 10 punya masih ada berbaki. alhamdulillah...saya nak cari tips utk banyakkan susu dan kongsikan kat sini nanti ye.

Monday, November 29, 2010

PETUA : Anak sering demam malam

Kepada yang pernah baca artikel ini di facebook saya, saya letakkan sekali lagi untuk rujukan semua.

Petikan daripada:
Re: [sim] MINTA PETUA : Anak sering demam malam
Haszuwati Ismail Ismail Thu, 20 Aug 2009 20:12:49 -0700


Sekadar berkongsi pengalaman membesarkan 7 permata menangani anak-anak yang
sakit walaupun sekadar demam sangat memberi impak kepada saya....terutama anak-anak dibawah umur 3 tahun
perhatian adalah sangat-sangat
perlu pada usia begini..

Demam anak-anak panas diwaktu malam sangatlah kena berjaga-jaga!!!

- Cuba rendamkan kaki anak dalam air ( bemula bawah kaki, naik keatas lutut
biarkan beberapa minit hingga panasnya
reda- JANGAN KESELURUHAN BADAN kerana rendaman tadi akan mengeluarkan haba
panas melalui belakang badan anak
( pastikan belakang badannya tak dibasahi air)- sekadar muka kepala sahaja.
- Gunakan cool fever didahi n belakang badannya....
-Air asam jawa juga dapat membantu caranya lumurkan pada kepala anak*

*Ummuraja-Selain daripada meletakkan air asam jawa, mak saya ajar supaya ramaskan daun bunga raya atau bunga melur.

-Selain ubatan moden dapatkan juga rawatan tradisional seperti air penawar
daripada yang pakar.*

*Ummuraja-Apa yang dipraktikkan oleh saya biasanya saya mandikan sahaja anak tu tak kira waktu malam atau siang, untuk prevent daripada suhu badannya terus meningkat.

Saya bukanlah seorang pakar kanak-kanak tapi  naluri keibuan saya mengatakan
apabila anak-anak kecil sakit " ubat" yang paling mujarab ialah
belaian,perhatian n kasih sayang.. ( disamping ubat tentunya)
walaupun kedengarannya sangat mudah tapi tampa semangat yang kental amat susah
untuk dilaksanakan!

Pada usia yang sepatutnya mereka aktif tiba-tiba mereka rasa tak selesa nak
meluahkan mereka sendiri belum mengerti apa yang menimpa diri mereka....maka tulah fungsi kita membelai
n beripenuh  perhatian akan mengurangkan rasa ketidakselesaan diri mereka n dengan tu mereka akan rasa
sangat selesa n tenang dengan belaian kita....

Dan jikalah Allah lebih sayangkan mereka dengan memanggil hambaNya
bukankah kita ada kenangan Yang Terindah Bersama Anak tu!....
Dan jika Allah masih mengizinkan kita menjaga permata kita itu
lagi...Bukakankah itu Hadiah yang Terindah
melihat anak-anak sihat semula......

Dakapan dan ciuman untuk anak-anak yang sakit adalah proses penyembuhan yang
mujarab sekali.....
Apatah lagi dalam pada kita mendakap anak-anak yang sakit selawat n doa untuk
kesejahteraan anak-anak
boleh kita tiupkan pada ubun-ubun anak-anak kita........

Saya ada terima forward message dari seorang kawan antara lain kandungannya:

Ciumlah anakmu kerana pahala setiap ciuman itu dibalas dengan satu darjat
syurga.Nisbah di antara dua darjat ialah 500 darjat. Syurga itu ialah
sebuah kampung kesenangan, tiada masuk ke dalamnya melainkan orang yang
menyukai kanak-kanak.

Seorang lelaki bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah, kepada siapakah harus aku berbakti?"
Jawab baginda; "Berbaktilah kepada ibu bapamu."
Kata lelaki itu lagi; "Ibu bapaku sudah tiada lagi."
Sabda Nabi SAW; "Kalau begitu berbaktilah kepada anakmu, ibubapa berhak
terhadap dirimu dan anakmu pula berhak ke atas dirimu."

Wallahualam bissawab

    • Siti Laili Suhaila hasni nk try subconscious mind tak?masa diorg tgh tdo2 ayam tu cakap diorg dak sihat, tak demam..utk Ajmal macam efecktif plak..hehe,,tahla but no harm to try kan
      November 8 at 5:34pm ·

    • Nor Hasni Binti Zahari thanks laili, ya sy setuju dgn kaedah tu. insyaAllah akan cuba.
      November 9 at 8:19am ·

    • Rahaton Azirah Ramli sgt setuju! belaian dan perhatian sgt mereka perlukan waktu tu kaan..thanks laili n hasni..sharing is caring :)
      November 9 at 10:45am ·

    • Nur Fatimah Azizi Mintak izin share... kebetulan anak pertamaku yg baru berusia 4 bln baru baik demam.. and yes.. mmg risau sgt masa tu.. rasa tak tau nak buat apa... hanya Allah saja yg tau perasaan masa tu...
      November 9 at 11:09am ·

    • Rahaton Azirah Ramli silakan berguna elok di share pada semua kaan
      November 9 at 11:10am ·

    • Nor Hasni Binti Zahari silakan saja, sy faham perasaan kalian, cewah..
      November 9 at 11:12am ·

    • Nur Fatimah Azizi yep... like u said.. sharing is caring... it just that... b4 being a mother, i just tot demam... was just demam la kan... nothing to worry about... adults biasala demam... tp bila our little precious ones demam... nak tido malam pon tak lena...
      November 9 at 11:13am ·

    • Rahaton Azirah Ramli hehehehe..hasni dah lama mkn garam
      November 9 at 11:13am ·

    • Rahaton Azirah Ramli hohoho..aton plak kalau demam, argh sgt teruk sebab jarang sgt demam..sebab tu bila dengar demam sesuatu yg sgt sedih walaupon utk org dewasa
      November 9 at 11:14am ·

Speech and Language Milestone

Diambil dari:

Kenapa saya letak info berkenaan speech milestones ni? Kerana saya harap semua ibu bapa ambil tahu dan sedar akan perkembangan anak-anak terutama dari segi percakapan mereka. Amat penting, kesannya adalah kepada masa depan anak kita juga, di hari persekolahan mereka. Sebagai ibu bapa, jgn biarkan anak-anak kita bermain sendirian dengan alasan kita terlalu sibuk dengan kerja-kerja di rumah (mahupun kerja opis yg di bawa pulang ke rumah). Masa yang berkualiti untuk anak-anak adalah penting, mereka kan harta kita! 

 related link:  Speech Developmental Norms

Cooing and babbling;

Continual awareness of sound (turns to sound, stops crying when spoken to);

Uses eye gaze to indicate interest.

Talking Tip:  Have hearing tested if infant appears unresponsive to environmental or speech sounds.  Use lots of intonation with child, and short simple language.  When your infant is feeding, take "turns" talking -- caregiver talks to infant, then the baby drinks/eats.  This is an early form of turn-taking.   The sing-songy speech of a mother to her child is an excellent way of getting and maintaining your baby's attention.  It makes the child more aware of human speech and encourages early social interactions.

7-12 MONTHS:
First true words appear (they are often people, or nouns);

Same syllable is repeated (mama, dada);

Child demonstrates increased understanding of daily routines.

Talking Tip:  Respond to your child's vocalizations (i.e. if child says "mama", you could respond with "mama,  yes, mama's home").  You may provide a language rich environment by talking about your daily routines through out the day  in simple language (2-3 words at a time).  This may help to build receptive language skills.  Use lots of speech/routine games such as "Paticake", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and singing.  Use lots of intonation and gestures when you are interacting with your child.  "Watch" as well as listen to your child's responses, and respond to all intentional communication both nonverbal and verbal (a smile, movement, vocal attempt, or actual word). 

Child says 3-5 words;

Child recognizes his/her name;

Understands simple instructions;

child may use both gestures and vocalizations together

Child understands common objects and actions (e.g., cookie, eat, juice).

Talking Tip:  Label items frequently.  When child reaches or shows interest in an item or action, label it using 1-2 words.  Provide choices from with 2 objects such as "want juice or milk" while holding carton of each.  Continue with nursery rhymes, colorful books, "Peek-a-Boo", "Pat-a-Cake" and songs.

Child uses about 10-20 words at age 18 months including names;

Recognition of pictures of familiar persons and objects

Early 2-word combinations of words emerge;

Needs are requested verbally such as "more, up";

Child will point, gesture, follow simple commands, imitate simple actions, hum or sing;

Talking Tip:    Talk using simple, clear language.  Imitate your child frequently in both action and sound, and model correct language.  You do not have to "correct" the child, just model an appropriate response.  Discuss what your child is feeling, hearing or doing throughout the day.  Don't forget to praise your child's efforts to communicate. You may make a "speech/language book" by cutting out pictures of favorite toys or foods from the newspaper, or adding photo's of family members into a home made journal.  You can "read" your book daily and practice words of favorite toys, foods, and people!

Related Link:  Speech Developmental Norms

24 months (2 years.):
Child understands simple questions and commands

Identifies familiar actions/activities in pictures (i.e. "sleeping, eating")

Follows directions to put objects "on, off, in"

Puts two words together on average

Sentence length of up to three words

Child will refer to self by name

Labels pictures

Final "s" is used for plurals

Vocabulary may jump to 300 words during the year!  In fact between the ages of 2 and 4, kids may increase their vocabulary by as much as 2 words per day;

Talking Tip:   You can use some questions to stimulate additional thought and language, however limit the use/frequency of questions you use.  Too many questions can be demanding, and frustrating if the child is unable to formulate a response.  Frequent "commenting" often elicits as much or more language from a child!  Give your child time to respond!  Waiting as long as 10 seconds for a response is often needed.  Read books with simple and repetitive language, and simple colorful pictures (I like the book "Go Away" by Ed Emberley).  Play "Simon Says" or other listening/following instruction games to help develop listening skills.  Make sure requests are simple (i.e., "touch your nose").

30 months (2 1/2 years.):
Child has about 450 word vocabulary;

Child is able to give his/her first name;

Child uses past tense, plurals, and combines nouns and verbs;

Begin to identify objects from a group by their function and parts (ie. "which one has wheels?", "which one can we eat?");

Begin to use verbs with "ing" endings (i.e. "eating");

Early concepts such as "big, little" are identified;

Child will use "no, not" and answer "where" questions.

Talking Tip:  Model pronouns such as "I, he, she" with short phrases (i.e. "I like cookies").  Read familiar and/or repetitive stories and encourage child to tell what is going to happen, or respond to simple questions about the story. Remember, you don't have to read "the words" in a book, sometimes simplifying the language and personalizing it to the child can be more beneficial for kids! 

3 years.:
Child will name at least one color;

Child will often talk during play, or when alone;

Child can tell a basic story or idea;

Child can use 3-4 word sentences;

Begins to understand "not";

Can identify items in a familiar category or group (i.e. "show me the animal");

Child can have a vocabulary of up to 1000 words;

Children are often able to tell their name and street.

Talking Tip:  Encourage vocabulary development by providing a language rich environment at home.  Using simple sentences at or just above the child's level (i.e.  4-5 words ) when talking around the child will help to build understanding of language and show how words can be used together to formulate sentences.  Children learn a lot of language through play.  Play with child as if you are a child.!(i.e. Model dolls "talking"/carrying out familiar routines.  "Drive" toy cars to the "store" to get milk, then "drive home" and put away the groceries or prepare dinner).  Children will use a lot of pretend play, and carryout early social sequences.  Playing with other children is also a good way to develop social and language skills.  A child may not have all the sounds, however he/she should be intelligible by age 3.  If a delay is suspected, discuss it with your pediatrician for a possible speech/language evaluation.

4 years:
Child will follow 2-3 step commands;

Child will ask many questions, including "who/why";

Child talks in 4-5 word sentences;

Understands and verbalizes spatial concepts more readily such as "on, under, next to..";

Child will talk in the past tense correctly.

Talking Tip:  Start to classify objects into bigger categories such as "animals, things to wear, things to eat...".  To do this, you can visit the zoo (talk about animals), plan outfits for particular occasions(talk about clothing), discuss what you will eat for lunch, dinner (talk about foods),  etc.  You can talk to your child in longer sentences, and read longer stories.  Making up, or telling stories to each other can help to build language skills.  Speech sounds may not be perfect yet, so remember to model the correct sounds.

5 years:
Child defines objects by their function;

Identifies spatial concepts such as "on, behind";

Child uses 5-6 word sentences;

Child understands many opposites;

Child can use different tenses (past, present, future), and many sentence types.

 Talking Tip:  Listen to your child when he/she talks to you, and encourage child to discuss feelings, ideas, or thoughts.  Try to stimulate, and carry on a conversation.  Comment frequently on what you think your child is feeling/thinking to encourage conversation.  Use longer, adult like speech with your 5-year old.  They will generally understand more than they can say.

6-7 years:
Child is developing phonological (sound/letter) awareness skills, and sound/word segmentation skills;

Can generate creative sentences;

Understands time/space concepts such as "before/after, first/second/last".

Talking Tip:  Begin or continue with phonics/phonological awareness activities.  letter-sound matching, segmenting words into sounds, and blending sounds back into words, rhyming, counting/clapping out syllables, and  Break larger words into their component parts (suffixes and prefixes, compound words) are all good phonological awareness activities that will help to develop reading and spelling skills.

Related Link:  Speech Developmental Norms

*Although children typically develop in the same manner, all children are different and unique.  The above are general guidelines as evidenced through various sources of literature from a literature review.  If a delay is suspected, contact your pediatrician to discuss.  Your pediatrician may refer you for the appropriate evaluation if necessary.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Assalamu`alaikum wrh wbt
Coretan ini adalah daripada seorang ibu untuk para ibu. Berkongsi pengetahuan dan pandangan adalah sangat dialu-alukan.

Ahlan wa sahlan.